The two biggest free agent contracts in this off-season were handed out to a pair of aces: David Price ($217m/7yrs.) and Zack Greinke ($206.5/6yr.). All throughout the off-season, Price and Greinke were discussed as essentially equal properties and, in the end, Price got more total dollars, but Greinke got the higher per year salary. However, once we dig a bit into the numbers, these two aren’t actually as close as they might initially seem. Read more
Contract & Trade Evaluations
Pay less, get more, it’s every GM’s goal but only the best actually do it. Baseball’s salary structure means that young players are usually worth way more than their paid, and veteran players almost never justify their price. When a free agent signs a big contract or a team pulls off a big trade, we’ll walk through the numbers to see what the chances are it’ll work out on the field and on the balance sheet.
Jordan Zimmermann Contract Evaluation: 5 years, $110m with the Tigers
Jordan Zimmermann becomes the first big free agent contract of the offseason, signing with the Detroit Tigers for $110 million over five years – will he be worth it? Read more